Thursday July 24, 2003
Fun By The Caseload!
Johnny Lightning Series 4
I was in Chicago for the Midwest Slot Car Show,
for some reason I kept heading back over to the
MotorCityToyz table and looking at
the latest offerings. In the past, HO scale has been more of a nostalgia issue
with me than actually racing them, however things are about to change
dramatically here in our small basement.
This really isn't a review of course, but more of how these cars have seemed to change my thinking, and motivation in this scale. The fact that Johnny Lightning has produced them, and that they are showing no signs of slowing down are major factors in my new plans for a permanent HO scale track.
I don't know what it is, but there is just something about these cars that attract me. Perhaps it is the fact that they remind me of my youth, combined with classic American muscle body styles. Of course the way they run has a great deal to do with it too, slipping and sliding around our small track here in the living room can be quite fun, and has started to be more addictive than we imagined!
Speaking with other T-Jet enthusiasts has really educated me in tuning these models to maximum performance, and even my youngest son enjoys how he can power slide them around the corners.
The fact that they are so inexpensive helps newcomers achieve a nice sized collection quickly, at least it has for us.
The old Mopars still seem to be my favorites, and my wife prefers the classic Chevy's. This has created quite a few shoot-outs here, and that is putting it lightly!
I have to admit that these models have almost forced me to build a permanent layout, which will be completed soon. Like the models that race on it, it will be a little smaller and portable, one that will easily fit under a bed and can be set up in minutes. I can't seem to convey how much fun these little cars can be, and almost single handedly they have rejuvenated my interest in this scale. I am glad Johnny Lightning is bringing even more for us to enjoy, and looks like my collection will just keep growing. If you haven't yet tried these mini-machines, I suggest you do yourself a favor and grab some today, you just might "re-discover" your youth as we have.
I have to thank MotorCityToyz for providing me with these models. Check their website often for the latest news in Johnny Lightning products. They provide some of the best customer service I have had in this hobby, regardless of scale!