1/32nd Scale Carrera Corvette
There are many different reasons why we choose the models we do. From historical appeal, livery, class, or just something new on the scene. This new Vette was chosen for two reasons that might surprise you: Reputation & Price.
Yes, reputation. This is not an all new mold from Carrera, just a new livery. But this car has delivered some great racing for me in the past and it was time to add another. The time was right because in case you didn't notice, analog Carrera model prices are too attractive to ignore. When SlotCarPlace listed the new analog models for only $33.95 there was just no stopping me.
Carrera impressed many of my friends with the execution of this model years ago. In fact it was 2008 when I picked up my first version. The body shape was done very well and the detail level was more than enough for a half tray type design.
When it arrived here I was very pleased. Of course this paint scheme will not appeal to all of you, but I find it very attractive.
Paint work here is nearly flawless as well as the clear coat protecting it. Even though this is not modeled after a brand new version I still like it and so do a lot of people I have showed it too. You might be amazed because you are a racing enthusiast, but not everyone knows as much as you do about this series or even this version of the Corvette. So it makes perfect sense to me for Carrera to keep cranking them out.
I cannot help but appreciate this model. There are other brands that cost twice as much as this one and are not any better in the fit and finish department. It is the small things like the rivet detail around the window frames that you might not expect on a model priced this low. It should tell you a lot about ho far we have come in this hobby.
Wheels seem to be all standard fare but I am not sure about the tires. It seems to me they are a softer compound than we have seen in the past. I cannot verify this, just going by "feel" so to speak.
The major change in this model is the chassis. Since Carrera reworked most of the other chassis in their line for the improved digital system it was only natural to see it done here. The change includes not only physical appearance but magnet changes. Not a big deal for me as my models are destined for wood track racing with no magnet.
"HRW SkunkWorks"
Plastic Track
All Stock Power & Control
The first lap told me we had an issue. Carrera uses a very long and deep guide blade that is not compatible with other brands tighter curve sections. It will bind in these tighter corners and the only option is to trim the guide. It is designed to be trimmed for just this purpose, and I cannot fault Carrera here. On Carrera track it functions without a problem.
Once I trimmed the guide it was back to the track. After a couple laps I knew we had a screamer of a slot car on our hands. With the dual magnets working extra hard on the slightly raised rails of the NINCO track, this car is a blur. You can de-slot it of course, and when you do the crash will be hard. Do not expect this wing or the side mirrors to last very long racing it in this environment.
But it did function as it should out of the box and that is all we can ask for.
There are no lights on the new analog versions. That is fine by me even though I am one of those people who really enjoy lights. I chose this model based on price knowing it was not lighted. I want to try and wire some myself so this will be my test mule so to speak.
Quick Summary
The low price of these models make them ideal for almost any budget. With a quick trimming of the guide you will have a very nice model of the early C6R in your collection that should deliver hours of fun.
Looking Closer
After we remove the 4 screws we see inside the new chassis. Gearing is the same with a 9 tooth pinion and 27 tooth crown gear, but a new, wider magnet is in the center of the car. This makes this car faster than the old models as it provides enhanced magnetic traction as the car swings out.
Also the polarity switch circuit board is here along with the quick disconnect feature on the wiring.
I inspected the wheels and tires and they needed to be sanded and trued. The wheels are at least drilled correctly and hardly any sign of wobble. This was very good news for me as now I can push on to more tuning without having to replace any parts.
The front tires need sanding as they do support a little more weight up front than I like. I will try and just sand the tires to see if that will help. If not, our front axle mod that we did on the recent Ferrari will need to be completed. Is this REALLY needed? I suppose not. I am just being very picky on how I like my models setup.
I mounted the axles, both front and rear in my new Tire Razor and cleaned them very nicely. Time to see what we have!
Permanent Track
MidMo International
4 x 16 - 3 Lane MDF Routed Wood Road Course - Flat Latex Surface
Copper Tape Conductivity - Aftermarket Power @ 12 Volts PARMA 25 OHM Control
I can only report that my model is VERY good after some tire work. No, these stock tires do not grip as well as the after-market tires I am using but better than I thought.
In fact, I have to say these tires are a LOT better than older releases. Again, I cannot confirm this either way, but the grip on my track is telling me these tires are not as bad as some of you wood racers will expect.
Final Thoughts
You might be thinking that we are certainly doing a lot of Carrera reviews lately. You are right. And you can expect even more. With the low cost and decent quality along with the wide variety Carrera is bringing us, this brand will be seeing a LOT of attention this year.
Unless Corvettes are not your style, I cannot think of any other reason not to add this to your collection. The price is the best in our hobby, they look great, and run well out of the box.
As always feel free to contact me about this article or just the hobby in general at harry@homeracingworld.com.
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