Wednesday July 23, 2003
Fly Lola B98/10
24 Hours Le Mans 1999
since the first release of the Lola B98/10 by Fly I wanted to match this model
with another. The recent release of this model allowed this to happen, so I knew
eventually it would arrive here. Arriving safe and sound from Fantasy World it
was time to get a closer look at this striking livery.
For those just joining us, if your interested in a closer look of the mechanicals of this model please see the full review shown below. Since these cars are identical as far as the running gear is concerned, this article is focused more on the livery itself.
Aside from the livery, there are only 2 differences between the body styles of both models. This release has the front air vents open, whereas the first version has covers over them. The second difference is that the headlights on this model has covers mounted over them. These covers have what appears to be simulated tape across them, although prototype photos do not show these, it is highly possible it was added during the race.
It is here in the front that some scale enthusiasts can notice some slight inaccuracies in the 1/32nd scale version. The front vents seem larger on the prototype, and the headlight covers seem a little small in the clear areas. Because these front vents are smaller, it makes the Repsol logo on the front look a little out of place, yet judging by the center, it seems to be placed correctly on the model.
Other than this "nit-picking" the rest of the model appears to match prototype photos very well, and I feel Fly has done a good job in capturing it in 1/32nd scale. The Tampo markings were very well done, with only slight fades noticed on both sides of the Repsol logos. The rear lenses have markings around them that seem a bit off center, but I couldn't find photos of the prototype well enough to prove it.
I have addressed the issue before of the lack of clear-coat over some markings from Fly, and this model seems to fall victim to this as well. If you look closely at the finish, you can see where the gloss of the clear-coat ends, and the markings begin. What I don't understand is that it is only on certain markings, not the entire model.
Although this sounds very minor to some people, this lack of clear-coat can show itself over time. Not only during driving, but when you or a turn marshal is handling this model, the markings on the side are unprotected, and they will see some wear. This issue started a long time ago with the Capri, and it has stayed with us it seems. You can easily add a protective clear-coat yourself, yet I wish Fly would look at this process and correct it soon. I could be wrong about this whole issue, but I can clearly see the difference in the overall sheen of the markings. If there is a clear-coat present, it certainly is not at the same level as the rest of the model.
On a personal note, none of this is really a big issue for me. I mention these issues only because many enthusiasts have written in and expressed their concerns. This model is still very fast and fun to pilot around your layout. For the most part, I have enjoyed Fly's products for a long time now and still continue to do so. However, the prices of these models are reaching levels that some enthusiasts cannot afford, and this is a shame because this model could bring a great deal of fun to their home racing.
your a fan of the series and do not mind the price, this model should satisfy
you. We have certainly had some enjoyable racing here with them, and they are
sure to stay in our rotation for some time to come. Aside from a few minor scale
issues, there is no reason not to grab one and begin to enjoy it. If your a fan
of the series I can't help but recommend this model as a good addition to your
current stable.
Check out the full review of the Fly Lola! Check this link for the 99 Le Mans field!
As always feel free to contact me about this article or just the hobby in general at, or better yet drop into our Message Forum and share your thoughts with other enthusiasts!
Thanks go to FANTASY WORLD for providing us with this excellent model!