Thursday July 22, 2004
model is a special one not only due to the fact it is limited to Ninco club
members but that MRC (Model Rectifier Corp) has helped make it easier for us to
have. Since they have been involved with bringing NINCO products to us, I have
personally seen the positive changes they can achieve.
The club car concept is nothing new, but now we have a place right here in the USA to get them. NINCO/MRC has not only brought us a nice model, they have done it with a decent price as well. After you join the club, you can order your club car for only $29.99. That isn’t too bad a price considering the model you are receiving.
Speaking of this model, although it is of course a club model, it doesn’t mean NINCO has not put forth a quality effort. I found the car to be very striking with excellent Tampo markings and clear coat. The detail level here is very nice with the co-driver, spare tire, roll bar and fire bottle. It is detail like this that always seems to draw your attention, and NINCO has usually struck a good balance with interior details. Although the interior is of a half-tray type design, it still looks very good while allowing you room to tune inside the model.
Underneath we find that this Subaru is equipped with the venerable NC-2 motor and that it is 4-wheel drive. The standard NINCO button magnet is in the mid-chassis position so that although it helps pin the model a little more, it still allows the sliding action that Rally fans enjoy. I won’t bother adding silicones or any magnets given the type of car this is. This car just begs to be in a long drift through the corners and anything else just wouldn’t look right for me. There is plenty of room to tune these models if you want to, so if you are thinking about getting one and performing modifications, you should be happy as well.
Wheels and tires are all standard fare with all of them being very round and true. A light sanding of the tires is all you will need to do to get this car to smooth out even more. Given the fact that it is 4-wheel drive, you might also want to give the front tires the same treatment.
I am not much of a Rally fan myself, but in 1/32nd scale I quite enjoy these models. However, this is actually my first standard NINCO Subaru. I have the Pro-Race version of the newer class, but I find that I like the regular version just as much. Sometimes simplicity is the best approach and I feel NINCO has accomplished this well. Prior to this model, the Citroen Saxo has been my favorite one due to the way it handles, and after that comes the Volkswagen.
Performance is pretty much what we have come to expect from NINCO. The 4-wheel drive does make a slight difference but the NC-2 motor is more than enough to handle it. Braking and acceleration are crisp enough for most enthusiasts and the handling in the corners is very smooth and easy. One thing I like about the 4WD system is simply how easy it is to disable if you don't care for it. Just remove one of the front wheels with a twisting motion and take off the rubber band "belt" and you are all set for 2WD racing.
But in all honesty, many modelers will simply collect it and never race it. And that is fine, as collecting is a large part of our hobby and as always there is no wrong way to have fun in our hobby.
you sign up for a club membership, you get the benefits of the latest news,
offers and once in while a special model like this. You also get access to
multiple download items such as photos, posters and logos. I think it is a good
thing to have clubs like this and NINCO has earned enough respect from me to
support them. If you enjoy the products they produce and want to see even more
from them, joining the club should be high on your list. And best of all, Club
membership is free.
- Harry
To Sign Up For The Ninco Club Just Click HERE and Click On The CLUB Button Above.
One hint: When putting in your phone number, do not add any dashes.
Thanks Go To MRC For Providing Us With This Club Car!