The Carrera 1956 Thunderbird
stopped at a light, Curt (Richard Dreyfuss) looks over and sees a classic white
'56 Thunderbird. Inside, a beautiful blonde softly mouths these words to him
behind the closed car window:
I love you.
“Quick! Hang a right...Cut over to G Street. I just saw a vision! I saw a goddess. Come on, you've got to catch up to her! This was the most perfect, dazzling creature I've ever seen...She spoke to me. She spoke to me right through the window. I think she said, 'I love you.' That means nothing to you people? You have no romance, no soul? She…Someone wants me. Someone roaming the streets wants me! Will you turn the corner?
Yes indeed, who could forget that classic scene in the movie American Graffiti? As a young, up and coming Richard Dreyfuss watches in disbelief as Suzanne Somers drives away in what could possibly be one of the most famous 1956 Thunderbirds ever. Well Carrera is making sure you do remember, with the latest release of their 56 T-bird in 1/32nd Scale! The first time I heard the rumors surrounding its release, I had to smile to myself and say: “Leave it to Carrera…”
This model, regardless if you know the history of it or not is a very striking and certainly appealing slot car. Carrera has done an excellent job in the fit and finish department, with clean mold lines and even clear-coat throughout the car. What little Tampo-stamping present is done quite well. Carrera always seems have fun with the license plates on these models, and this one is no exception. I am sure you figured out what it stood for!
I am hoping the photos do most of the review for me, as sometimes a picture tells it better than I could ever write it. According to most of the “prototype” pictures I have seen, this model is a very close match. The “real” Thunderbird was actually red at first, then, when the owners moved, they had it painted white. While it was sitting in a parking lot, the owners returned to find a note written on a brown paper bag, asking them if the car could be used in a movie. And as they say, the rest is history.
But what would this car be without the proper driver? Well, let’s face it, not just ANY driver figure (no pun intended) will do. Carrera certainly made an effort here to capture the “dazzling creature” that cruised the streets in the 1:1 counter-part.
To be honest, this adds to the appeal of this car, but not because of obvious male chauvinist reasons. Without a “blonde bombshell” behind the wheel, this car wouldn’t look right. It would not be “The T-Bird” without her, and at least for me, the car would lose some if its appeal.
The rest of the model is all standard Carrera components: An inline drive system, Variable Magnet System (VMS), and a polarity switch on the underside of the chassis that allows you to change the direction of the car quickly and easily.
As with most Carrera offerings, this model was very quiet and smooth. There should not be any doubt that this car is a street machine, and it performs like one. I had quite the time slipping and sliding this Bird around our Carrera and Artin tracks, just as I did with the first release. I like the way these classics handle, and we have had plenty of slot racing fun driving them around.
I wanted this model because of its originality, and because I think they are fun. Carrera has had this habit lately of releasing models so unique, that the “collector” inside me cannot seem to resist them. And for the record, I am the worst collector you will ever meet, as my models are not shelf queens. Regardless if it is a limited or not, we drive them all here.
If you’re a fan of Classic American Muscle, then you might as well get on the phone and place your order. After collecting and racing all the prior Carrera releases, I knew this car had to be included in our stable.
model would be a great gift to give this year, not only to fans of the movie,
but to any fan of classic American cars, regardless if they are into our hobby
or not. And if they are not, then this car might get them started in the hobby,
and you have just given them a lot more than they ever expected.
As always, feel free to contact me at about this article, or just the hobby in general.
Many thanks go to RAD TRAX for providing me with this nice model. Check out their complete line of slot cars and accessories online today!