You have been looking around and discovered 1/32nd scale slot car racing.
Looks like a lot of fun doesn't it?
Likely, the first question you have is: How do I get started?
The answer is simple: Buy a new set and begin discovering for yourself the fun of 1/32nd scale slot cars.
What set? Which brand? What is the best?
These questions have been asked for as long as we can remember and to this day there is no perfect answer.
Everyone in our hobby has their own opinion on what is the best and why.
In this article we will look at what we feel is an ideal starter set and try to show you how easy it is to get started.
So if you are ready, let us get right to it shall we?
There is nothing like getting a brand new slot car set. And when you get it, you will want to start playing with it as fast as you can. Thankfully, this set will let you do just that.
So why start with such a small set? Ask yourself this: What if you spent hundreds of dollars on a room filling empire only to see it gather dust after only a month or two? You will hear from some that it is more economical to buy the biggest set you can. Although this is true if want the largest track to start with, there is no way I can advise it unless you are 100% sure this is going to be a hobby that will last past Spring.
This is the POWER PERFORMANCE set Part# 25157. It has everything you need to start racing.
Inside, everything is neatly packaged. Our instruction sheet is as simple as it gets (Yes Dad/Mom, please take the time to read it) so let's build a slot car track.
The first step is shown in the instructions. It shows you how to install the track clips that hold the separate sections together. Simply flip the track upside down and push in the clips until they "click" into place. That is about as easy as it gets.
Track Clip
Just push and click in place.
Now you follow the diagram for all your track sections, install the guard rails and it is time to hook up our power and control.
Transformer has dual connections.
Next is the power and controller hook up. Again, just follow the instructions. The transformer has 2 connection ends that are marked POSITIVE (+) and NEGATIVE (-). They are a little hard to see, but you should have no problems.
Just line up the markings on the transformer ends with the markings on your power base and press into place. Repeat the process for the other side and you are ready for the controllers.
*NOTE* Even if you install them backwards it will not harm anything. The cars will simply go the other way.
The controllers are the thumb type (plunger) controllers and they work well enough to start the hobby.
Hooking them up is just as easy as the power. The connection up pins are staggered in a way so you cannot install them up wrong. Just line up the pins with the sockets in the power base and you are ready to race.
Just line them up and press into place.
Just repeat process on other side and you are complete.
When assembled, this track takes up just a little more than a 3 foot by 6 foot space. I bet you thought it was really small? This is a perfect amount of track for newcomers to learn how to operate this scale of slot car racing.
The crossovers also add a little extra fun. Let's face it, if your children are like mine they cannot resist crashing into each other. (We know some big kids that do too) That is ok, the cars in this set are pretty tough customers.
Oh yes, THE CARS!
The cars in this set should catch the eye of any newcomer. They are "Hot Rod" versions of two very popular cars seen on the road today.
What we like about these models is that they are almost identical in performance, meaning they will deliver very close racing.
Carrera is known for making models like this. If you like American cars, Carrera has plenty to choose from. All the paint work and markings are nicely done as well.
Looking underneath the cars you will see a polarity switch, 2 large bar magnets and the wire braid up front. The braid is important to keep clean and straight to make sure you have good electrical contact with the rails. Check and clean it before and after you race. The polarity switch allows you to change direction of the car. This is a nice added feature as it just adds more options to your fun. Finally you see the 2 large bar magnets. These magnets help keep the car pinned on the track. Although they are strong, you still have to slow down in the corners or you will crash ok?
Another added feature to these models are lights, front and rear. You may not think so, but these do add to the fun. Letting your young (or old) new racers shut the lights off for some night racing is not only fun to race, but to fun to watch. Little things like this also help keep the interest alive.
Home Racing World Rule #1 - Keep It Simple (Otherwise known as the KISS method)
You will hear all kinds of advice out there. From the very simple, to the complicated and/or expensive.
All you need is a set like this one. You might think it is too small to have any fun, but do not let the size fool you.
This set has plenty of advantages:
1. It is quick and easy to set up. If you are a parent you can appreciate this when Christmas morning arrives.
2. It takes up very little room. Having space for a slot car track can sometimes be a challenge. Not everyone lives in a mansion.
3. It is easy on your wallet. Unless you have money to burn, this fact alone means a great deal especially in these tougher economic times.
4. The track brand itself. Carrera is considered by many in our hobby as the best plastic track on the market.
5. The cars are cool. Whether this is for the little kids (or big ones) both are recognizable hot rods that will catch the eye.
6. And finally, other cars from different brands are fully compatible.
So if you are looking for a set to begin this hobby, one like this will allow you to get started quickly and easily. Prices are around $140.00 as of this writing and this is a decent price point for those of you on tighter budgets.
Stop Waiting...Start Your Hobby!
- Harry
As always feel free to contact me about this article or just the hobby in general at, or better yet drop into our Message Forum and share your thoughts with other enthusiasts!
Thanks Go To Carrera of America For Sponsoring This Review!
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