Saturday April 15, 2006

Triple S Motor Test!

Smith Scale Speedway Hot Rod Motors

Smith Scale Speedway has a new line of motors for upgrading your models and they sent a pair of them for us to test. These motors are direct replacement for most any slot car using standard Mabuchi power-plants and we looked forward in having some fun with them.

Since they stocked these motors primarily as an upgrade for the Artin motor, we chose to do our test using the latest Stocker chassis. The motor shaft is still short on these motors, but the design of the Artin chassis does not really require a shaft inside the crown gear groove.

We received 2 motors simply marked "A" and "B". Each had an 8 tooth pinion installed, but we swapped that to an original Artin 9 tooth pinion. After this, we pulled our test chassis over to the Team HRW Motor Shop and began feverishly working on the first motor swap.

Our first test was with motor "A". The first tests concluded this was certainly a hot motor with RPMs much higher than the standard Artin motor. In fact, it also beat a standard Scalextric motor in our drag race test. The only problem with it is that braking is almost non-existent. This motor would be right at home on larger layouts with broad radius turns, and if you run heavy magnets, this will improve the braking effect.

The second test with motor "B" was insane. This motor has MORE than enough speed, almost too much. Again, the braking on this motor is very light and this is the only item that some folks may not care for. Again, if you have a larger layout and enjoy adding magnets, this motor could be the hot set up.

I do not have any RPM ratings on these motors yet but we will have soon. For the low prices of $2.50 for motor "A" and $3.00 for motor "B" I think they are worth the time to grab a couple and test for yourself. With motor prices of other brands constantly going up well over 10 dollars, a low-cost option is always a welcome addition.

- Harry

Thanks Go To Smith Scale Speedway For Allowing Us To Try These New Motors!