Arden Park II

Todd Brace

This is another 3 lane but this time routed in MDF board.  Having bought a new Chrysler Crossfire, I needed my one car garage to use as...well a garage!  This meant the permanent Strombecker layout had to come down.

The solution was to route this 3 lane track. It breaks down into 3 sections that are folded against the wall, out of the way, which provides PLENTY of space for the car. For practice only, I can set it up complete with computer hook up in about 10-15 minutes.  On race day it takes a bit longer because I'll layout some trees, buildings, and trackside figures.  Comes down and goes away quickly too!

Upgraded the power supply to a regulated, variable voltage (4-18 Volts) 18 amp unit.  Still have the SRT race management system, and the braid is Magnatech. Recently christened it as I hosted the 6 event in our club's 12 event Fall/Winter series.  Very much a driver's course.  All seemed to enjoy.

- Todd